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No more search for noolu kettu items. We deliver a complete kit to your doorstep. In Kerala, the ceremony of noolu kettu is important and usually performed on the 28th day of the baby. To make this event memorable, we have designed this product. We provide all in one noolu kettu kit for babies for their first ceremony of noolu kettu. We provide safe material for your baby with the best quality.


Package Include the following items



1) Traditional attire for newborn boy/girl

2) Nool( black thread) to tie at the hip

3) Panchaloha(5 metal) thala

4) Koochu to tie at hip along with black thread,

5) Karivala (black bangles)

6) Kohl/Kajal

7)Vayambu(sweet flag)

8) Sandal

9) Honey

10) Rudhraksham

11) Baby Towel

Noolukettu Kit / Namakarana kit

SKU: SKU0098734
  • Hand Wash Only

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