The Swayamvara named Kerala style davani with a golden clover and golden zari border, accompanied by a dupatta with golden zari, is a stunning and regal ensemble that showcases the beauty of traditional Kerala attire.
The davani features a striking golden clover motif, intricately woven or embroidered onto the fabric. The golden clover symbolizes good fortune, prosperity, and abundance, adding a touch of elegance and symbolism to the attire. The intricate detailing of the clover pattern highlights the craftsmanship and attention to detail that is characteristic of Kerala's traditional clothing.
The combination of the golden clover and golden zari border on the davani, along with the golden zari embellished dupatta, creates a harmonious and captivating ensemble. The shimmering golden accents catch the light, creating a regal and radiant effect that beautifully complements the traditional Kerala style.
The Swayamvara Davani is a timeless and luxurious choice for special occasions such as weddings, festivals, and cultural celebrations. It exemplifies the rich cultural heritage of Kerala's traditional attire while showcasing the wearer's elegance and grace.
Swayamvara Lehanga
Cotton davani with a golden clover and golden zari border, accompanied by a dupatta with golden zari.